Sunday, December 28, 2008

My 2008 year in review

Every year people make resolutions for the New Year. I have not made a resolution in a long while because things change over the course of time and I usually don't accomplish my resolution. I decided that it would be better for me to look over the past year and decide what I did well or accomplished or learned and celebrate that instead instead of looking to something that hasn't happened and setting myself up for failure.
Later...1/10/09 I have decided that I will NOT buy any trash bags this year. So I guess that's my resolution. It just struck me that we are insanely paying money for something that doesn't biodegrade very well and that is going to the trash.
So, here is my list for 2008

learned about social networking

set up blogs

made posts to blogs

wrote posts on wikis

took pictures with a digital camera and included my own photos with my blog posts

got a new computer, tv, printer, wireless keyboard, and web cam

installed a wireless card in my desk top computer

learned that there are free movies and TV on the internet

visited Oblebay resort at Christmas

Here's a link to New Year Festival

Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Bells of Northrend

Shizenvi submitted this on YouTube and it's awsome. Your timing is right on and I love your combination of WOW with the Trans-Siberian Orchestra.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

A Talent for Google docs

It's amazing what artistry you can accomplish with something you didn't think of as a drawing tool. Art is in everything. What if we approached everything this way?

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Hold on to your wig....this is a rockin light show

Guernsey County Courthouse Lights In Cambridge Ohio

YAY OHIO...That's the spirit. Excellent work.

Let it Snow with Dino

Get all sorts of lovely things and send them around from A Video Christmas

xKaylaaMariex put this Doris Day and Dean Martin duet with Disney clips together on YouTube. Nice couple of voices from the Buckeye state and very nice work.

I have heard that there is a very nice virtual duet with Dean and Martina McBride, too. I haven't found that one, but if you do...give a shout. Thanks!!

Merry Christmas cause it's a Wonderful Life

"It's a Wonderful Life and Where are You Christmas by Faith Hill. No matter how dark this season of your life is now, it will get better, you will make it! YOU MATTER!!"

A huge thanks to riverrider777 on YouTube for this beautiful Christmas wish!!