Sunday, November 23, 2008

Who is John December

...and where did he go?
I found John's picture along with a bit about who he is and his intentions while looking for hex codes. He has really nice hex codes.
It says "My dream is to make a living as an independent Web publisher. Working since 1992, I've steadily expanded my Internet information efforts, and now I've reached that dream. I am grateful to all the people who have made use of my online works and books and those who visit my Web site--thank you!"
Off to the right of John's message are ways to get in touch and see what he is up to currently including a YahooBlogLog. This is something new to me. So, since I see that John is into Yahoo, I think I'll try that out. Well, I get all signed up and do a search for John. He doesn't show up in my search.
If I click on his name in the Yahoobloglog I get to go to his page that has a new picture (it's a much better one)
Member Since: Nov '08
Last Login: 22nd Nov 1:31 pm

So it goes...all I was up to was finding some hex codes and here I am with John and Yahoobloglog trying to figure out how it works. In the mean time, John, if you happen to see this, thanks for the hex page and all the information